Quantum metrology with Rydberg atoms

Sébastien Gleyzes
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, College de France, CNRS, ENS-PSL Research University, UPMC-Sorbonne Universites, Paris, France

ABSTRACT Rydberg states correspond to electron wave function localised at a very large distance from the nucleus. These giant atoms are thus extremely sensitive to their electromagnetic field environment. It is possible to prepare state with very large electric dipole to probe the amplitude of the electric field, or states with very large angular momentum, able to detect very small magnetic field. As often in quantum metrology experiment, the limit of the sensitivity is set by the quantum fluctuations associated with the state of the atom. To reach the ultimate sensitivity set by the law of quantum mechanics, called the Heisenberg limit, it is necessary to prepare the atom in a non-classical states, like a Schrödinger cat state.
Our system is a Rydberg atom with a large quantum principal number n ~ 50. In the presence of a small electric field defining the quantization axis, the degeneracy between levels with the same n is lifted. The new eigenstates, called Stark levels, are defined by the magnetic quantum number m, which remains a good quantum number, and the parabolic quantum number n1, with 0≤n1≤ ne-|m|-1.
Since m remains a good quantum number, it is possible, using a radio frequency field with a well-defined sigma+ polarization, to restrict the evolution of the atom to a subspace of the Stark manifold where the system behaves like a large spin J = (n – 1)/2, whose frequency is proportional to the local amplitude of the electric field. We have used this effective spin to perform a quantum-enabled measurement of the static electric field. We prepare a Schrödinger cat state of the Rydberg atom, quantum superposition of two classically distinct wavefunction with very different polarizability, and observe how the relative phase between the two components of the quantum superposition provides a very sensitive signal to measure the variation of the static electric field. We achieve a precision that exceeds the SQL and approaches the fundamental Heisenberg limit (HL) in this context. The single-shot sensitivity reaches 0.3 mV/cm for a 200 ns interaction time, (8 microvolt/cm/√Hz at a 3 kHz repetition rate). This highly sensitive, non-invasive space- and time-resolved field measurement extends the realm of electrometric techniques and could have important applications.
Driving the Rydberg atom with a combination of sigma+ and sigma- polarization would also open the way to explore the full set of Stark level, and in particular prepare quantum superposition of state with same parabolic number but opposite value of m. Such states are very interesting for magnetic metrology, as they would correspond to microscopic probe with up to 100 µB magnetic moment, while at the same time being impervious to electric field noise.

[1] A. Facon, et al, "A sensitive electrometer based on a Rydberg atom in a Schrödinger-cat state", Nature 535, 262–265 (14 July 2016)