Parametrically induced interactions in cQED architectures for quantum information processing

 Pierre-Marie Billangeon  氏


(with Yasunobu Nakamura)

The advent of circuit QED allowed to deepen the understanding of field-matter interactions in the quantum regime: one advantage of solid-state implementations of this type of interaction is to bridge the gap between the strong coupling regime (where the coupling strength g between the atom and the field is larger than the decay rate of the photon \kappa) and the ultrastrong coupling regime (where g is of the order of the gap of the atom \Delta, or the resonator frequency \omega). Besides that, circuit QED may provide valuable architectures for quantum information processing to mediate interactions between qubits (so called "quantum bus"), or more interestingly between photons, due to the relatively strong field-matter interactions in these devices. We would like to revisit the possibility to realize different types of parametrically induced interactions in these systems, by going further than the usual description based on the Jaynes-Cummings hamiltonian (ie. dropping the counterrotating terms in the static hamiltonian), and discuss the role of various types of residual couplings.